Welcome to Max’ 2 Cents

Hello and welcome to my new blog! It has been a while that I have been mostly inactive in the community but after taking care of some private stuff I am back online now.

A new website. A personal blog. Why? Well my departure from Fate and Challenge's team was unavoidable but it meant that I also lost my voice online. And that voice and activism is very important to me. And the more websites and literature there is about non-offending pedophiles the more visible our topics and struggles become. The more obvious it is that non-offending pedophiles are not just a small anomaly, an “ivory league” kind of group, but a diverse minority hidden within and shunned by our society. Many people, many personal stories. Like any other stigmatized minority.

Who am I?

Hello, my online pseudonym is “Max Weber” and I have been an activist for raising awareness about the pedophilic sexual preference and peer-support among non-offending pedophiles since January 2009. I have been running the website of the Fate and Challenge Association (FCA) from 2011 to 2022 and published a book about pedophilia in 2015. When Virtuous Pedophiles started in 2012 I soon joined the first incarnation of that forum and have been among the most active users for a long time. But you can find out more about me at the appropriately named “About”-section of this website.

The latest actions of FCA's team since June have made it necessary to end all my remaining dependencies on the association within a short space of time. To get back on my own two feet in order to be able to continue my activism. I had originally intended to do this under the patronage of my old association, but I was informed that this was no longer desired.

What is this blog about?

The title of my blog refers to the saying “to add my own two cents” and that's what it's for: to share my experiences from years of peer-support, to publish some ideas and to discuss relevant topics I come across. Because the start cost more effort than planned the website is still very small. I had to unpublish some parts that weren't ready yet and focus on the basics that were necessary for a clean launch. They will be added later, when I come around to updating/finishing them. Step by step.

I enjoy raising awareness and doing public relations work; I want to push back against discrimination and support related project and self-help. So that less people suffer from both the distorted societal image of pedophilia and from sexual abuse.

What exactly happened to Shadows Project?

During the summer Shadows Project, the art project that Leon S. Kennedy and I founded ten years ago, suddenly disappeared from the world wide web. That seems to have irritated a few people, judging by the fact that several people expressed their concern and asked me about that. Here is what happened.

The original website was old and it was planned to overhaul it soon. On June 9, Leon and I realized that unbeknownst to us a new version of Shadows Project had been published in February already. This really irritated us, as what had been agreed upon with Markus from the FCA-team in mid/late 2023 was for him to find helpers and only create a draft for a new version of the website. We would then check, finish, and authorize it toghether before publication. So we asked to talk to him. We found out that several people had spent months revising the page, apparently under the impression that Markus was now the main person running that project. Underlining that the list of projects run under the umbrella of FCA also listed only Markus as the only person responsible for Shadows Project until that day. In February it had been published directly without our knowledge or approval.

To make it clear: Shadows Project is Leon's and my intellectual property (idea&graphics: Max; website design: Leon); we would very much like to see it revived and hope that the helpers Markus has mobilized will also want to continue working on it with us! Content-wise, we think what you did was great.

Even if parts of the whole thing could be due to misunderstandings, Markus' actions and the online release were unnecessarily carried out behind our backs and without authorization. This has severely damaged our trust. As a result, we have requested that the site be taken offline for the time being so that we can decide on how to proceed once everything has calmed down. The next planned step after the release of Max’ 2 Cents is to continue working on Shadows Project.


The past few months have been a lot of stress and work for me. Lots of uncertainty and planning, assessing risks, asking friends for support. Also I'm hoping for support via donations, as I'm looking at an additional 100-200€ per year which is quite much for me. (Thanks to my friends from the czech Spolek ČEPEK for making that option even possible!)

As a result, my blog and Shadows Project now have a new home. At first they were temporarily parked on the server of P-Punkte and Kinder im Herzen. Big thanks to Rubricappula and Sirius for their willingness and help! And of course to the lovely admin Anton who took on all the technical hassle to set up this server and blog, and to Naches who had prepared the blog's template and got me started.
(And thanks to DeepL.com for helping with a lot of the translations)

I'm looking forward to becoming more active in the community again — with my own voice intact.

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