There is news about the AfD's hostility towards our community: The complaint against (WSAM) will not be pursued further, the team announced on their website. But the title reveals even more:
Landtag Niedersachsen beantwortet Kleine Anfrage zu „Wir sind auch Menschen“ — there is now also an answer to the AfD's "small request", which was obviously designed as a trick question. Fortunately, the answer is actually quite reasonable. Thank you to the people responsible for not allowing themselves to be provoked. But as you would expect, it is of course torn to shreds and instrumentalized by the AfD woman on Twitter. What a sad boring life she must have that she has nothing better to do?
Which brings us to the reason why I'm posting this update right now: unfortunately, the blogger Consuela was also attacked by her the other day. Obviously as an act of revenge for his direct criminal complaint against her. According to Consuela, she posted detailed identifying data (including a photo) of him. Of course, this is also illegal and will certainly lead to more criminal charges. On an encouraging note, a screenshot shows that other Twitter users also jumped to his defense. For example, one person warned directly: "@MdlBehrendt has gone too far with this publication. [...] If the doxed person (who is now known to me because of this post) is harmed in any way, you, @MdlBehrendt, are responsible for this."
I am very concerned and wish Consuela a lot of strength and support from the bottom of my heart.